Thursday, June 11, 2015


Message from spirit…through Victoria…

Having a near death in 1981 and meeting Jesus at that time and being shown the future Earth Changes events to unfold…and then again experiencing Jesus in a literal visitation in 2013 on April 27…when he re-confirmed that “It is time”…Humanities time,

I am guided now to share with you what I hear from him daily.
He has guided me and encourages us all to stay in the moment and feel the joy of that moment. Each day…to serve others and also to love ourselves! Allow our hearts and minds to listen within…. the answers and guidance we need, will be given unto us.

We are moving out of the dream and into Universal Reality!

Our soul is remembering the great plan when we were ONE together…
We were only light, in timelessness and space within the Universe and with our Great Creator.

Now at this dispensation of time, we stand at the doorway of the ending of our old life…leaving behind the 3rd dimension, the busyness of this life, and the pressures and expectations of a demanding world.

We walk now through the doorway of new beginnings…one that our cells and souls remember we would be graduating forward into…

There is no death, but only Re-birth with OUR NEW LIGHT BODIES.

Many are leaving physically but many of us will experience that rapture, the wave in a twinkling of an eye.

Reach inside and love your Divine Soul, the child within you, as you celebrate this journey.

Although you may feel you are alone in your challenges of your
health, relationships, and survival, you are not alone as we are all
experiencing a kind of a death dance without dying…and transforming and moving out the old.

We all feel at times we are NOT EVEN IN OUR BODIES…going through the motions, yet feeling rather BLANK!

Many of us have had a near-death experience (NDE) and have an inner strength from that journey into those realms, which supports a deeper sense of peace, that of rolling with what comes to us in this life experience.

Jesus is as real as you and me…he has laid his hands upon me on APRIL 27, 2013 as I looked out my window…seeing a night time vision the garden of Gethsemane…Jesus was standing behind me and as I looked to my left…there his eyes met mine and I exclaimed, Oh, Jesus is it time…he replied…yes, it is time…but not your time, but Humanity’s Time!

He reminded me of what he had shown me earlier in my NDE in 1981, of the earth changes to come and the crucial time for humanity.

These changes are upon us now. We have all had glimpses of them in the past, but the curtain now rises and there are no more dress rehearsals.

Whether a person believes in Jesus, or Buddha or Krishna…we all are
feeling the urgency of NOW. We must gather our oneness of community and unconditional love and non-judgment, as we ride the waves together of change and new beginnings. Letting go of our separateness from each other and from our Divine Soul.

Trust you will find your sure footing and celebrate our Graduation
As we move the New Earth…Heaven on Earth.

In humility and with gratitude,

Victoria Liljenquist


Tuesday, May 19, 2015


Greeting Beloved Family of Light,

It has been a tremendous journey the last few months filled many changes, adventures, and planetary shifts.
Therefore, I have been out of touch!

We all are feeling great changes flowing over us like a tidal wave....and moments of feeling
we are not even in this realm! Can you relate?

I will be writing more about these changes in the coming weeks and allowing spirit to
guide every word I share with you...

This is to alert to watch for the blog messages and also visit my main Website:
to watch my videos which you will love and want to share with others, my store which has amazing
film footage to add to your library and my healing CDs to help assist you as this navigation of our
journey unfolds.

I once again offer telephone consultations to those seeking $1.00/min.

My offer to do prayer work for you or loved ones is always available, and I am honored to serve you
in this capacity.

Extending my deepest love, blessings, prayers, and wishes as we all live in a moment to moment
place for feeling the joy of even the smallest event...serving where we are needed, and also
remembering to nurture ourselves each day with something to help us feel that support from the Universe.

Much Love to you all,

Victoria Liljenquist
Pagosa Springs, Colorado
email me at: or

Friday, January 9, 2015

New Beginnings for 2015 Creating a New Reality

Beloved Lightworkers, Happy New Year 2015

Wishing each of you an amazing year of manifestation, loving your continued transformation
of your light body, which is rapidly changing each day, and Inner Peace as you walk
forward as we create a New Reality in 2015.

2014 was a challenging year for most everyone I have spoken we made it through
and NOW for an exciting New Beginning.

Tools to assist us are:

1. Staying in the moment - dont get too carried away looking too far down the the road, as it is easy
to miss the miracle right in front of you!

2. Visualize the life and security YOU DESERVE...claim it.

3. Don't ask for the blessings....CLAIM is your BIRTHRIGHT.

4. Don't be afraid to say No to something which does not feel right for you...
Honor yourself and your needs. Continue to serve others but feel good about it!

5. Remember who you are..who we all are...Children of the Universe, the Architechs for a New Reality
we want to live in as Galactic Citizens.

I will share more of my messages from spirit as we move along into the coming months.

Big Changes are very Ready and Positive!

Wishing you each a beautiful experience each and every day, which lifts your heart and soul.
Be Strong ...I love you all.

* speaking engagement in Northern California has been cancelled due to conflict with my
other projects. Stay tuned in as I am planning some events in the next 6 months.

Much Love to you as we Usher a New Heaven in...our New Reality!

Victoria Liljenquist

P.S. If anyone is in need of telephone consultations please write to me at
Prayer Healings as well are available at no charge for you or a loved one.
Be sure to visit Store for some exciting DVDs and CDs for your healing needs.