Wednesday, December 3, 2014



Greetings Beloved Light Workers,

Message and Holiday Blessings

Thinking of you all and sending my love, support and prayers as we move forward into 2015.
Our dreams are lucid as we are passing through the doorway of new beginnings each day.
Perhaps you are feeling as I do, that we are watching ourselves from another place. We are
experiencing a different kind of feeling of floating, not really feeling attached to this dimension,
yet still interact within it when it is necessary. We have moments of weariness…then JOY!!
Hold onto the joy and know that we must stay in a "moment to moment" State of Being.

Contact has become such a common phenomena on You Tube throughout the World.
When my contact began as a child and then on Film…in 1994, people thought I was insane…
now it is a glorious continuous discovery …WE ARE NOT ALONE!

Our Light Bodies…oh yes! This is really a wild ride as we are mutating constantly.
Are you feeling strange, lightning bolts pains bouncing from one place to another within your torso, limbs and even within your Heart Chakra! Worry not beloved ones, as this is part of our light body transformation.

Update from my World

I have been out of touch for a while as life has been full of interesting twists and turns.
Divine Destiny prevails and thus, I am now back in Pagosa Springs, Colorado, living and holding
the intentions for the GREAT PLAN of Humanity to unfold.

The visions continue to manifest, bringing new light and inner peace.

Within our minds and personal picture of our reality…we are living the wisdom of the 2nd Earth.
This 2nd Earth is residing now. We continue to enhance our life experiences, learn new skills of
Instantaneous manifestation and surrender to this amazing activation of our Light Bodies.

There are many Saga's of personal challenges ….but we, the Light Workers made a promise to anchor the Light on to our earth, lifting the souls of Humanity to the higher vibration.

Some days we may not feel we are doing enough, but remember we are so busy on many ethereal levels.
We must stay focused as we shall see Gaia's Re-Birth!

Our efforts are not in vain but a sacred vow to our Divine Soul's Promise.

My wish for ALL of US is that we shall feel lifted up and remember WHO WE ARE…
Continue to be reminded that the honor we each have to serve at this time
on behalf of the planet is of Divine Destiny.

Stay Strong…one morning we will awake and not remember
the World we left behind but shall see before a Glorious New Day
of our New Evolutionary Station.

Need some Guidance, Prayers, Brainstorming Friend...I am here to assist you with
life changes, ideas and inspiration. Write to me at

Enjoy my re-modeled Website and see the latest Video Link of my encounter, lectures,
and New DVD

Wishing you a blessed holiday season and glorious 2015!
With the joys of Heaven,

Victoria Liljenquist

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