Saturday, May 30, 2009
Have been out of touch, moving out of my place for the summer, to travel and lecture,so it has been very intense for me. Please forgive my absence. Also, the Mt Shasta Event has been cancelled, unfortunately. Shalomar worked very dilligently to bring this conference to fruition, but did not get enough ticket sales EARLY, to cover the expenses of putting on this large event. Many of you have written saying you were just getting ready to sign up, but I am sorry it was too late. These are challenging times for all of us, and I send my love to Shalomar for his efforts. I WILL BE CONTINUING MY TOUR IN CALIFORNIA.
Please be patient, as it takes time to get the events set up, and to cover expenses to reserve venue locations. I am being guided to reach as many cities as possible before snow flies.
Please pray for me as this is a huge task and I do not ask for a great deal for admission.
If you feel so inclined to make a donation on this page thru paypal or sending a check by mail,to assist these efforts to bring the family of light together in various cities, I greatly appreciate your support. I am listening to spirit and feel great joy for this journey, as great events unfold for our planet. The Universe is smiling!
Presently, I am in Utah...heading to California next week. Hope to see some of you in Sacramento and Stockton at the events.
One more thing...the fatigue that everyone is feeling is HUGE. I know personally, it has been a tough one...but give yourself time to rest as we are changing from matter into light. This is part of the process for the fatigue.
My love and blessings to you all,
Victoria Liljenquist
Sunday, May 17, 2009
From Listener: Jerry - Canada
"What a wonderful show you gave us on Coast to Coast A M last night - Please do it again and come back . Your voice is wonderful to hear over the airwaves and I sure hope that you have lectures in Toronto Canada where we Canadians can see you in real. You must really be an Angel and I am glad to have heard you, Victoria.
From Listener: Jerry
Thank you, you are the real deal, not that I am such an expert, but I've had several experiences myself in the past. My intuition since then rejects so many of the ET channelers-contacts, representatives-advocates, etc. out there. From you, I get a strong integrated vibe, so well done for maintaining some integrity in a devious, wacky, woo-woo world. I'll refer others who might be interested in your work.
From Listener: Gary Larrabee -
"Thank you for sharing your heart on Coast to Coast....and thank you for sharing what the Lord had you sharing in fulfilling your mission on planet earth. In 1980 I was told that God was bringing people together from around the world to fulfill the greatest prophecy in the Bible and there was no one who understood this prophecy correctly. I then ask the Lord to teach me as i set aside all that I thought I knew. It was a great pleasure to hear from a messenger from God on assignment."
God Bless you,
Gary Larrabee
From Listener Debra Winter:
"Your interview on Coast to Coast last night was wonderful!...I'm simply stunned at the timing of finding out about you!! It was a great time listening to you! What you shared about fear...I never stopped to think about how 'they' use fear to control us to keep us from knowing who we are and what we came here for.....I'm choosing NOT to give into that game ANYMORE! I'm going to start looking UP and EXPECTING to see great and glorious things."
44 min Film on DVD by Victoria Liljenquist
Message from Dave Gillham chair Founder of the Cornwall U.F.O.
Research Group based in Truro Uk.
Just received your DVD, I have viewed the DVD 4 times. Your DVD sightings were mind blowing awesome and sent tingles down my spine it was awesome also I had a very warm
glowing feeling, I find that when I talk too people about ufos I get very hot. Although I have seen many ufos over the years only a few weeks ago I witnessed with 6 other people 6 very bright deep red lights/orbs coming out off the sea, if this was not enough we then witnessed another 20 red lights/ orbs come out off the sea.
Keep up the good work we are ambassadors for the light beings.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Events with Victoria Liljenquist. The "Program of Victory" tour will continue through the year as I have found it is important to allow some time between cities for private sessions with those desiring to have one. Therefore, the cities listed below with TBA are hopeful event cities.
It takes a tremendous amount of time to set up the event and expenses, so I am pacing myself.
My deep desire to reach all of our family is very strong and I shall do my best to get to your city.
Your donations are helpful in this process as I do not have a committe or assistants to help me,
unless you wonderful lightworkers write and volunteer.
Event will include:
Showing the Award Winning Film: "Encounters with Angels, UFOs and Divine Messages"with a short lecture "Preparing for the New Earth", sharing the latest daytime encounters,studying more pictographic messages which have appeared within live footage of Victoria's encounters. There are special messages pertaining to our Earth's transformation which are being transmitted from the film and from Victoria's visions. An experience you will love and be filled with hope and greater peace of the events of our planet unfold.
Please bring a food donation for the needy at all the events.
Victoria will donate them to the local food bank.
A modest ticket price will vary at different venues
depending on the expenses of the Venue Location.
Private sessions available in each city with
Victoria for healing, intuitive consultation and more!
Call 602-361-1668 for more information.
June- Stockton, CA - We had a huge success and wonderful reunion of lightworkers!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Screening of Film: Encounters with Angels, UFOs and Divine Messages and
& Preparing for the New Earth Lecture with Q&A with Victoria - 7-10 p.m - $10 and a food donation for needy
San Joaquin Delta College
5151 Pacific Avenue Room: (North Forum), Stockton, CA 95207
Sacramento, CA - we had a wonderful group at Marie Wilson's with amazing energy! connections. June 5, 2009
Albuquerque, NM July 11, 20009 1-4 p.m.
Film - Encounters with Angels, UFOs and Divine Messages with Lecture, Q&A
"Preparing for the New Earth" with Q & A with Victoria Liljenquist
Saturday, July 11, 2009 1:00- 4:00 p.m. - $10 and food donation for the needy
Guild Theater, 3405 Central Ave, N.E. Albuquerque. N.M. 87106
Tickets – Call (505) 255.1848
Private sessions available with Victoria
in Albuquerque July 9-12th.
Call 602-361-1668 to schedule.
Farmington, New Mexico
Sunday, July 19, 2009 - 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon.
Fellowship of Spirit Church,
2009 East 13th Street, Farmington, NM
Private Sessions available with Victoria
Monday, July 20 - call 602-361-1668
Santa Fe - (TBA)
Crestone (TBA)
Denver (TBA)
Missouri (TBA)
Oklahoma (TBA)
Illinois (TBA)
Minnesota (TBA)
North Carolina (TBA)
Virginia (TBA)
Phoenix (TBA)
Salt Lake City (TBA)
Spirit has guided that I ask for your prayers and support. It is time for the PROGRAM of VICTORY to be initiated. Please allow spirit to touch you with the truth. Daily sightings, contact encounters are occurring rapidly. Over the years, I have done my very best to assist the masses. At this most delicate time for the planet, in order to fulfill the request from the Brotherhood of Light, the Angels and from Heaven, I now ask for your support for the Program of Victory Gatherings in cities throughout the U.S.
Many of you are writing and asking me to come to your city. I will do all that I can to reach your areas before October. If anyone wants to assist with suggested venue locations, networking, or to help with the organization of the Events in your city, please contact me at