Monday, July 6, 2009

July 6th, 2009

Greetings Beloved Family of Light,

What an amazing 6 weeks of lots of energy shifting. New empowerment to manifest our desires are surrounding us, so be sure to focus and think only what you wish to create, as it WILL COME TO YOU!

Tomorrow is the full moon and the eclipse, so major feelings are swirling our bodies and emotions. Many are feeling sleepless and the sense of something huge unfolding. The Earth is really in an intense energy pattern, and as I always encourage, get your rest, give in when you need to close your eyes... and let spirit help you.

We are going be seeing major changes in the financial arena soon...and I feel it will be positive, so hang in there. Don't let the thoughts of man get you uptight, trust we are moving through this $ challenge. The good fortune, new job opportunity, or dream you have been carrying is getting lined up...Manifest it now with your clear intention.

This coming weekend I will be in Albuquerque, New Mexico for my event
Film/Lecture to share Encounter with Angels, UFOs and Divine Messages and
share the latest information and footage with the good folks of New Mexico.
It is such a blessing to meet the family and unite our hearts for the great events to

I am back in Colorado for a while and will do some short trips for lectures. It is truly
beautiful here, so come visit my little heaven.

More later...

Blessings to all!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Victoria,

    I have joined your blog and I am looking forward to your updates. I feel blessed I have found you sister of Light. I don't feel alone anymore!

    Much Love and Light to you from my heart,

    (From the Crystal Castle on a Cloud)
