Timely Message Update from Victoria Liljenquist
Oct 12, 2009
Note: Upcoming Events
Items of discussion – skip to the ones that interest you!
A. Timely Message Update
B. Preparedness – Events of October/November - Urgent
C. Chariot of Ezekiel Merkabah Vehicle - Contact & Messages
HEALING & INTUITIVE CONSULTATION Sessions in person or by phone available
A special Discount of $45/hr until Dec. 1st - write to Victoria@victoriaslight.com to schedule. If you are needing some GUIDANCE, 2nd confirmation of what you know
in your heart..or healing needs of mind,body,spirit issues...please know I AM HERE FOR YOU.
Program of Victory Tour: will resume setting up dates in the coming due to family member illness.
Wednesday, NOVEMBER 11, 2009 - 6:30- 9:00 p.m
Sacred Language of Light Encounters
Preparing for the New Earth”
11:11 Meditation/Activation - Group Healing
Event Location: Bayfield, Colorado
Pathways Book Store & Healing Center
40031 US Hwy 160 East, Bayfield, CO 81122
Phone: 970-884-4718
$15 by Nov. 1 or $22 at Door
A. Message Update
As the energies are accelerating, we are feeling less present in our physical body. The earth is moving through the plan of transformation, and like unto the gestation of the unborn child, we are required to float within the fluidness of this new birth coming where we will be delivered in the New Reality…for those who are ready to embrace it. CONTACT continues to increase. There are vital processes taking place behind the scenes which will unfold shortly to move us forward into a reality we deserve...desire...and have a divine birthright to embrace.
The most urgent message I have been receiving from the Brotherhood of Light is this:
Preparedness – Events of October- November
1. Prepare yourselves with the necessities you need for you and your family.
We have a rocky ride for a bit of time…better days will come…but for now...
Be Ready for Big Changes for this New Beginning. It is easy to get discouraged and impatient, and we all are going through this…remember, you are not alone. Let go of feeling like the " Victim "and Take Charge of your Life, the best you can, no matter how frustrated you may be feeling.
As I have shared before, THERE ARE GREAT AND POSITIVE CHANGES COMING and we need to stay focused and joyful and be ready for them to unfold. The more negative forces we see...we are balancing out the battery of life on the positive end. As we see these events, this is a sign of HOW CLOSE WE REALLY ARE.
2. Keep plenty of CASH on hand as the banks may be doing something unexpected here SOON…WITHIN THE MONTH OF OCT. It is better to be prepared, just in case. The monetary system will soon be changing out, but until all is place, we must be prepared with CASH.
3. Definitely stock up on your food supply, as the price of food is going to be going UP considerably in the next 2-3 months.
4. Meditate and make a plan for you and your family in the event of some major, inconvenient episodes, i.e. power outages, storms, more economic instability.
5. Trust & Know that major transformation will be arriving …after the “storm”.
Consider where you want to be while we ride out these theses changes.
If you feel guided to relocate…do so As SOON AS Possible. Not all will be able to do this, but let your inner guidance inspire you as to what is right for you. HONOR YOUR NEED TO REST…we are all still feeling increased fatigue at times. KEEP YOUR SPIRITS UP…the best you can.TAKE TI ME TO BE STILL, QUIET AND LISTEN WITHIN.
6. Reach out to others to see how you can them through this transitional time.
We are blessed when we are serving others in need.
C. "Chariot of Ezekiel" Merkabah Vehicle - CONTACT
Increased contact is happening world wide. Over the last few nights, the Diamond Merkabah Ship has been appearing outside my patio just above the water on the lake around 2:00 – 4:00 am. The amazing spoke-like images of this amazing vehicle is IDENTICAL to the Merkabah, I filmed 9 years ago in 2000 on Christmas Eve. I call this Merkabah the "Chariot of Ezekiel". The rapid movement and shape shifting of this Merkabah is transmitting to me that we are moving fast towards this Big shift. I can actually SEE Angelic PEOPLE dressed in white moving inside the Merkabah Vehicle.
This wondrous Encounter is once again revealing many pictographic images. What a beautiful and divine sight to behold. I have felt this encounter was incredibly profound as it has now appeared on Oct 9, 2009 – almost 9 years ago on this coming Christmas and now has continued to appear to me for 9 days.
Ezekiel’s Chariot brings with it many messages for us as our journey unfolds presently. If you wish to see and feel the energy of the Merkabah of Ezekiel Chariot, filmed in 2000 – this is the same image coming to me over the last 9 evenings. Nine (9) represents completion!
View the FOOTAGE OF THIS Chariot of Ezekiel on link on home page for Videos or by clicking on the you tube video below. You will be blessed as it transmits to your third eye as you watch … this glorious Chariot featured
at the last clip of the 4 min video
My blessings, prayers and Heavenly Support to you all,
Victoria Liljenquist
Monday, October 12, 2009
Update Sept 2009
Beloved Light Workers - Beautiful Souls,
What an amazing journey we have all been on for the last few months. I have not been able to write since May, due to many reasons which some of you will relate to.
UPDATE - The Program of Victory Tour - June and July Events went wonderfully and were very successful. I thank all those who were so helpful in many ways during these events.
The tour began in Stockton and Sacramento, CA, where I met some tremendous individuals and dedicated light workers. It was truly a lovely reunion. Many thanks to Marie Wilson and Kent and Renee Miller for helping to organize these events. Thanks to Cynthia Siegel for the gift to lodge at her home.
The event in Mount Shasta did not happen due to Shalomar Productions cancelling the event, which was sad for the many speakers scheduled to present. I believe all is in Divine Order.
The Albuquerque, New Mexico Event was a great gathering of beautiful Beings at the Guild Theater for the film and lecture. Many thanks to Barbara Besser and Ron Sease of the "Phoenix Project" for sponsoring my event in Albuquerque.
My presentation in Farmington, New Mexico was presented to a special group at the Fellowship of Spirit Church - thanks to Randy and Susan Barnes.
As empathic Beings, many of us know and have this gift of feeling all the changes.
I personally experience the WORLD-WIDE Earthquakes and Earth Changes within my body, i.e. dizziness, nausea, heart palpitations. This summer, it has been over the top and very intense physically. Since July 1, our planet has experienced many earth and planetary events such as the eclipses in July and August, plus the Retrograde of 5 planets. "You are nodding your heads right now!"
Because of this gift which can be a challenge…I regret it was necessary for my physical well being to stop my traveling, so I could navigate from my home through these energies. Therefore, the tour will be resumed later in the year.
Also: A Family Illness: My very dear aunt who I love so very much…is like my 2nd mother (after losing both my parents when I was young) is now in the last stages of cancer. This has been my first priority, to spend special time with her, before we say goodbye. I am sure many of you have been experiencing these challenges as well.
Death is just a graduation. Many people have been leaving the planet over the last few months…even the Light Workers, who we have felt would ride this transformation out. But those who have left us are now assisting us from the other side. Their "Earth Suit" just wore out.
Our physical skeletal and muscular adjustments have been most uncomfortable and challenging. Once again, from my telecommunication with the Brotherhood of Light and Angelic Guides has been that we are truly undergoing a major structural, cellular renovation of our physical body….which is now morphing into our LIGHT BODIES. This process is vital and we must ask for assistance from our guides and angels to help us through this transformational process.
There have been profound messages from our dear sister Karen Bishop, whom I respect, support and totally agree with. I appreciate Karen's great ability to write so accurately what we are all feeling. Her message is attached, if you wish to read it.
Many of you may have experienced some dyslexic symptoms which have magnified these past months. I must admit, that has been my challenge in being able to keep up with the emails with you all. I am finding many others have been complaining of this symptom during reading/writing, even speaking.
As we entered into the 9/9/09 energies, a major and positive shift has been felt.
At this point of our journey, our attitude, picture of reality, thoughts, words, actions, emotions, responding - not reacting, are the keys to moving forward into this next chapter of great change for Humanity and how we interact with the Universe and our other Families on the Other Worlds. There is no looking back…only forward. Forgive yourself and others and move into Joy.
Gather together in your communities to support each other as we build a new and healthy Higher Consciousness for our New Earth.
How exciting to see the Newsweek report "Aliens Exist" and Science Illustrated to confirm that the Scientists now believe there are perhaps as many as 22 planets which could support "LIFE". This has been my belief and message for many years, which I have shared on Radio/TV and in my presentations.
World-Wide Sightings with validation from experts and the Media, including China and England, is a strong indication that CONTACT is here and will continue to accelerate.
"Get Ready, it is TIME"…is what I hear 24/7 …"we must live in the moment, exercising the most positive, loving energy possible." We are moving out of time and into Universal Reality. The world that we have known is beginning to fade and a better world is prepared to move into place NOW.
I know many of us receiving these messages… feel like a "broken record" when sharing with other, but it feels truly the TIME is NOW to step through the THIS NEXT THRESHOLD INTO our new Paradigm.
It is my hope that I can resume my tour after my family member makes their transition. Please know how very much I wish to be come to your cities to share the message and to reunite with you all.
Presently, I am staying at home in Pagosa and will be doing more telephone & in person sessions for healing, clearing, transformation, new directions, body work, hypnotherapy, prayer requests, and whatever is necessary to assist those of you in need.
Let's keep that Heaven On Earth energy in our hearts and thoughts.
You Tube Videos: (these always lift our spirits!!!)
1. "Amazing Journey on Film" by Victoria Liljenquist
Link to watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D33TTPm90AA
(Mother Ship in rainbow diamond colors filmed by Victoria in 2008, the Diamond ship which appears nightly at Victoria's home in Pagosa, Merkabah Star gate photo taken from Live Footage.
2. "Encounters with Angels, UFOs & Divine Messages" (4 min movie trailer)
Live ENCOUNTERS. Film captured and music by Victoria Liljenquist
Link to watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FVzOBevG7U4&feature=channel
With Blessings, Love and Gratitude to you all,
Victoria Liljenquist
What an amazing journey we have all been on for the last few months. I have not been able to write since May, due to many reasons which some of you will relate to.
UPDATE - The Program of Victory Tour - June and July Events went wonderfully and were very successful. I thank all those who were so helpful in many ways during these events.
The tour began in Stockton and Sacramento, CA, where I met some tremendous individuals and dedicated light workers. It was truly a lovely reunion. Many thanks to Marie Wilson and Kent and Renee Miller for helping to organize these events. Thanks to Cynthia Siegel for the gift to lodge at her home.
The event in Mount Shasta did not happen due to Shalomar Productions cancelling the event, which was sad for the many speakers scheduled to present. I believe all is in Divine Order.
The Albuquerque, New Mexico Event was a great gathering of beautiful Beings at the Guild Theater for the film and lecture. Many thanks to Barbara Besser and Ron Sease of the "Phoenix Project" for sponsoring my event in Albuquerque.
My presentation in Farmington, New Mexico was presented to a special group at the Fellowship of Spirit Church - thanks to Randy and Susan Barnes.
As empathic Beings, many of us know and have this gift of feeling all the changes.
I personally experience the WORLD-WIDE Earthquakes and Earth Changes within my body, i.e. dizziness, nausea, heart palpitations. This summer, it has been over the top and very intense physically. Since July 1, our planet has experienced many earth and planetary events such as the eclipses in July and August, plus the Retrograde of 5 planets. "You are nodding your heads right now!"
Because of this gift which can be a challenge…I regret it was necessary for my physical well being to stop my traveling, so I could navigate from my home through these energies. Therefore, the tour will be resumed later in the year.
Also: A Family Illness: My very dear aunt who I love so very much…is like my 2nd mother (after losing both my parents when I was young) is now in the last stages of cancer. This has been my first priority, to spend special time with her, before we say goodbye. I am sure many of you have been experiencing these challenges as well.
Death is just a graduation. Many people have been leaving the planet over the last few months…even the Light Workers, who we have felt would ride this transformation out. But those who have left us are now assisting us from the other side. Their "Earth Suit" just wore out.
Our physical skeletal and muscular adjustments have been most uncomfortable and challenging. Once again, from my telecommunication with the Brotherhood of Light and Angelic Guides has been that we are truly undergoing a major structural, cellular renovation of our physical body….which is now morphing into our LIGHT BODIES. This process is vital and we must ask for assistance from our guides and angels to help us through this transformational process.
There have been profound messages from our dear sister Karen Bishop, whom I respect, support and totally agree with. I appreciate Karen's great ability to write so accurately what we are all feeling. Her message is attached, if you wish to read it.
Many of you may have experienced some dyslexic symptoms which have magnified these past months. I must admit, that has been my challenge in being able to keep up with the emails with you all. I am finding many others have been complaining of this symptom during reading/writing, even speaking.
As we entered into the 9/9/09 energies, a major and positive shift has been felt.
At this point of our journey, our attitude, picture of reality, thoughts, words, actions, emotions, responding - not reacting, are the keys to moving forward into this next chapter of great change for Humanity and how we interact with the Universe and our other Families on the Other Worlds. There is no looking back…only forward. Forgive yourself and others and move into Joy.
Gather together in your communities to support each other as we build a new and healthy Higher Consciousness for our New Earth.
How exciting to see the Newsweek report "Aliens Exist" and Science Illustrated to confirm that the Scientists now believe there are perhaps as many as 22 planets which could support "LIFE". This has been my belief and message for many years, which I have shared on Radio/TV and in my presentations.
World-Wide Sightings with validation from experts and the Media, including China and England, is a strong indication that CONTACT is here and will continue to accelerate.
"Get Ready, it is TIME"…is what I hear 24/7 …"we must live in the moment, exercising the most positive, loving energy possible." We are moving out of time and into Universal Reality. The world that we have known is beginning to fade and a better world is prepared to move into place NOW.
I know many of us receiving these messages… feel like a "broken record" when sharing with other, but it feels truly the TIME is NOW to step through the THIS NEXT THRESHOLD INTO our new Paradigm.
It is my hope that I can resume my tour after my family member makes their transition. Please know how very much I wish to be come to your cities to share the message and to reunite with you all.
Presently, I am staying at home in Pagosa and will be doing more telephone & in person sessions for healing, clearing, transformation, new directions, body work, hypnotherapy, prayer requests, and whatever is necessary to assist those of you in need.
Let's keep that Heaven On Earth energy in our hearts and thoughts.
You Tube Videos: (these always lift our spirits!!!)
1. "Amazing Journey on Film" by Victoria Liljenquist
Link to watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D33TTPm90AA
(Mother Ship in rainbow diamond colors filmed by Victoria in 2008, the Diamond ship which appears nightly at Victoria's home in Pagosa, Merkabah Star gate photo taken from Live Footage.
2. "Encounters with Angels, UFOs & Divine Messages" (4 min movie trailer)
Live ENCOUNTERS. Film captured and music by Victoria Liljenquist
Link to watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FVzOBevG7U4&feature=channel
With Blessings, Love and Gratitude to you all,
Victoria Liljenquist
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