Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Personal Message from Victoria - Stay in your I AM Presence and Sharing Mahala's Sept. 2011 Planet Alert Update

Dear Beloved Family of Light,

Once again I want to share with you the Planet Update for September 2011 from my dear sister Mahala...her wisdom is always very beautiful and I resonate with it.

In my heart, I feel great peace and trust the inner guidance that this Play we are in...is unfolding and shall move into the Divine Plan of Eternal Joy. Many lessons are put before us, but how we navigate through these times with a cheerful heart, and going Within to the I AM Presence IS THE KEY. I HAVE BEEN FEELING MANY SPECIAL ANGEL ENERGIES AROUND ME and they indicate that it is our responsibility to HOLD THAT LIGHT AS WE PASS THROUGH THE NEXT 4 MONTHS. It is good to be prepared but NOT in fear.

Like the words from a song I wrote in 1998...
The Song of the future...
"A new world of Peace, of joy and love, to walk with you and God Above, to be as one in Unity for Eternity...it is life in the light of infinity, with the freedom full of destiny, to other worlds and back again, our soul will always BE in ETERNITY."

My personal Message to you is, as it always has been...that we are fast moving towards our graduation to the 2nd Earth. I have seen it in visions, and it is so wonderful...waking up into A NEW DAY, A NEW WORLD OF PEACE, JOY AND LOVE. At night, in dreams I am traveling there, as many of you are also. Keep your energy field
pure and focused on your desire to pass through this doorway to the 2nd Earth...
which is coming SOON. My blessings and hugs to you all.

I love how Mahala brings this message through in her report.

Have a wonderful Day and know that I love you.


Planet Alert September 2011
By Admin on behalf of Mahala, on August 29th, 2011

Would you like to know how accurate Astrology is? Today is August 23, 2011 and this morning there was an earthquake just outside of Washington, D.C. at Richmond, Virginia. Washington D.C. is located on 13 degrees Cancer. This morning Mars was on 13 degrees Cancer, conjunct the moon by declination and the quake happened. Isn’t that interesting? I think it was a wake up call for those living in the areas of the shaking.

At the same time, Mars was square Saturn, which was exactly over Tripoli, Libya, and look what happened there. The rebels took over the stronghold of Gaddafi which means his regime is basically over. I remember one of the prophecies saying that Gaddafi would be one of the major players at the time of the end. That happened and we are at the end times.

I was looking for a storm along the east coast this month and put that in my last article. I wasn’t looking for a quake with Mars in a water sign, but the Sun had just moved into Virgo, which is an earth sign and the quake happened. It looks like the storm called Irene is coming in within a few days and will hit the coast. It is bringing lots of rain and water with it, and that is the result of Mars in a water sign.

We are also in the period of destruction right now in the Mayan Calendar. We are in the 5th night which ends on September 4, 2011. This period is ruled by the planet Uranus which brings surprising events and also storms, wind, and lightening. We were in the 5th day when the Stock Market crashed and the financial challenges will continue. Don’t get caught in the drama, hold the light.

We are in the White Wizard year, according to the Dreamspell Calendar by Jose Arguelles, which started on July 26, 2011. This will be a year of fun and magic, just wait and see what happens. Right now it sounds pretty much like gloom and doom, but everything can change is a moment’s time. This year is ruled by the planet Vulcan which might be the same as the planet called Nibiru, because they have the same numerology value. Vulcan adds up to 19/10, and Nibiru adds up to 37/10. It looks like it will be coming into our part of the heavens this fall. It’s time to be prepared on all levels.

The White Wizard year brings rising lands, lots of cosmic rays, and unannounced comets or asteroids like the comet in our heavens right now called Garradd. I had no idea that comet was coming in August. Honda has also been in our heavens. Then in September, we have Elenin arriving at the closest point to the Sun on September 11, 2011, along with the sign of the woman spoken of in chapter 12 of Revelation. It says “And a great sign appeared in heaven, a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars. She was with child and she cried out in her pangs of birth.” This sign will be in our heavens on September 11-12, 2011.

NASA says there is nothing to worry about with comet Elenin because they say it is too small, but they don’t take into consideration that any comet that comes into our area affects us by the electrical connection between the comet and Earth. Elenin is here, along with the Blue Star Ship. This is the ship of our creators. The Bible says in Revelation, chapter 11 – “The second woe has passed; behold the third woe is soon to come. Then the seventh angel blew his trumpet, and there were loud voices in heaven, saying. The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he shall reign for ever and ever.”

It goes on to say, “The nations raged (in the Middle East countries which has gone on since January), but thy wrath came, and it’s time for the dead to be judged (nobody judges you, you judge yourself). It’s the time for rewarding the servants, the prophets, and the saints and those who love thy name.”

“And it is the time for destroying the destroyers of the Earth.” This is what I have been talking about for the past couple of years; the downfall of the controllers, which is in process right now. It may appear like the dark ones are still in control, but they are not. Just wait to see what happens when the ship gets closer. “Then Gods temple in heaven was opened and the ark of his covenant was seen within his temple (ship), and there were flashes of lightning, loud noises, peals of thunder, an earthquake, and heavy hail.”

According to Hopi prophecies, the Blue Star comes first, and after that comes the Red Star. This is referring to Nibiru which will be seen as a Red/Orange Ball in our heavens. Check out this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jBkuu-Tck6E . It is very interesting. I believe this event will release us from the prison we have been in since the event of 9-11, and the enforcement of Homeland Security. It is time for freedom on all levels.

There may be a large earthquake when Nibiru gets closer to Earth because I had a dream a couple of weeks ago about a very large quake. In the dream I was walking over the rubble of a city. I don’t know what city it was, but maybe something will happen that affects the whole Earth; like the axis of the Earth shifting again like it did in Sumatra, Chile, and Japan. The Earth still has to cleanse herself, so pay attention to your inner self and you will be in the right place, at the right time, and will be safe as these changes continue to happen.

The Earth started crossing the Galactic Plane in 1998 and has continued since then moving into a higher vibration of space. If you take 1998 and add 13 years onto it you get the year 2011. The number 13 is very important in the Mayan Calendar, and I believe October 28, 2011 is the end and the new beginning. This is my belief, and only time will tell how it all works out.

Now, something has to happen to bring the world into Unity Consciousness by that time. The only thing I can think of that could do that is if the Net or the magnetic field goes down so we are opened up to higher consciousness. I listened to David Wilcock last night on Coast to Coast and he was talking about how the remote viewers could not see beyond the year 2011-2012 unless they went through a wall, and when they did they came out in bliss consciousness. I believe this is what will happen when our magnetic field goes down, which could be triggered by Elenin or Nibiru.

I had a dream a couple of years ago on September 10. It was about being on a hill with a group of people and we were all singing “The light has won and love now rules the world’’. Then on September 14, I had a dream about being with a group of people at the beach and we all fell asleep and when we woke up everything had changed. This happened overnight. The next part of the dream was showing the setting up of a new governing system that was of the light. I believe this system has already been set up and has been behind the scenes for a long time. I believe it will come forward on the new fifth dimension Earth.

On September 5th we enter the 6th day in the Mayan Calendar, which is the time of flowering and is ruled by Jupiter. The glyph that will be in effect is the Blue Eagle which represents the evolution of individual consciousness into planetary mind. The eagle also represents the compassion of all hearts linked as one with unconditional love. Maybe we will be in Unity Consciousness sooner than we think.

The 6th night starts on September 23 and is ruled by the Red Skywalker which is the glyph that represents heaven on Earth. On October 11 we move into the 7th day, which is the last, and this glyph is the Blue Monkey which represents the Divine child, the child that is ever in a state of open-hearted wisdom, innocence, trust, and joyful wonder. It is the glyph of Magic and Illusion.

There has been so much fear mongering going on in the world that I think it is time to say STOP. This is not where we are meant to be at this time. It is a time of joy and wonder. Think about it, we are at the end of a 16 billion year cycle that started with the creation of our Universe. Isn’t that an awesome thought! What is there to be afraid of? Life is everlasting. Live in the joy of life; dance to the music, and live life to the fullest. Be prepared, but don’t worry. Live in the Now. So Be It! I send you my love!

***** Mahala*****


email: planetalert@hotmail.com

BLESSINGS TO ALL this 30th day of August 2011!
Victoria Liljenquist

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