Thursday, March 17, 2011

Earthquake Prediction 2011 Jim Berkland - A Major Earthquake in North America Imminent - possibility for a California quake between March 19th - 26

Dear Family of Light,

This information matches another vision I had in Oct. 2007 and again in October 2010 showing an Earthquake in California. Tune in and be prepared and know that I am holding light around each of you if this does occur this weekend. The Brotherhood of Light are on Standby and will heed our Call.
Heaven's Blessings to All,

Victoria Liljenquist

Earthquake Prediction 2011 Jim Berkland -
A Major Earthquake in North America Imminent - A “seismic window” of possibility for a California quake between March 19th – 26th, 2011.

For those that don't know him, Jim Berkland is the geologist that successfully predicted the 1989 World Series earthquake (in fact he lost his job with the USGS for making his prediction). His methods are based on the lunar effects on the tides and observing where fish and mammals start dieing off.

His claim is that the next big earthquake along the ring of fire will be this weekend. He was just interviewed on FOX News (March 15th, 2011) and here is that interview segment

Pet Behavior Helps Geologist Predict Earthquakes

In a March 15th interview with radio talk show host Michael Savage, retired geologist Jim Berkland (who predicted the World Series Earthquake of 1989) said unusual animal behavior, along with other factors like tidal patterns and lunar alignment, are earthquake predictors because they indicate changes in the earth’s magnetic field. He cites the recent incident of millions of dead fish turning up along the California coastline prior to the Japan quake and tsunami.

Before the Loma Prieta quake in 1989, Berkland noted that in addition to lunar/tidal factors, twice the usual number of cats and dogs were listed as missing by pet owners in California prior to the quake.

His most recent prediction? A “seismic window” of possibility for a California quake between March 19th – 26th, 2011.

Latest Earthquakes in the World - Past 7 days - realtime map of events

Former USGS Geologist Jim Berkland predicts major California quake
March 16, 2011 1:35 pm PT
By Betty Johnson - Staff Writer

( -- Former USGS Geologist Jim Berkland predicts a major earthquake in California this month.

Berkland has been known to predict quakes, his best being the 'World Series' quake in the 80s in the San Francisco Bay area. Berkland even had a bet with a news publication that it would actually happen.

Berkland is now back with his strongest prediction since the 80s on what he is calling a major earthquake to strike California with a window between March 19th and 26th.

The geologist says that 'moon proximity' and 'fish deaths and beachings are signs of massive earthquakes.

Jim has been on Fox News, KFI, and many other networks voicing this warning to everyone that is listening to it. While USGS states quakes are not predictable, Berkland disagrees.


  1. No major earthquakes in Cali. So now what's "predicted?"

  2. Where is Jim Berkland now, he seems to have disappeared now that he predicted wrong.
