Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Blessed Family of Light,

As the third dimension is now at truly a delicate, critical point, it is our mission to anchor the LIGHT INTO OUR PLANET NOW MORE THAN EVER BEFORE. I have stressed preparedness in my last few blogs, but this morning when listening to the progress of the events in Japan, THE BROTHERHOOD OF LIGHT AND THE SHIPS, AS WELL AS THE ANGELS AND HOLY SPIRIT, ARE NOW GUIDING ME to ask you to PREPARE NOT IN FEAR OF THE EVENTS OF THIS EARTH… BUT TO PREPARE NOW FOR OUR JOURNEY HOME TO THE 2ND EARTH.

Here we are in March 2011 and I REFLECT UPON THE VISIONS I RECEIVED IN MARCH OF 1997 of the 2nd Earth and will share them with you now in this blog, hoping they will give you some peace, helping you remember the PLAN. Those visions are shared below.

THE BROTHERHOOD OF LIGHT ARE SENDING THEIR LOVE AND SUPPORT and each of us must focus into MOVING BEYOND THIS ILLUSION and now prepare for our travel through the eye of the needle. When you sleep, allow your thoughts to be present in the New Reality of the 2nd Earth...a parallel World which IS WAITING FOR US. A World which is our birthright. In my personal dreams, I have been going there at night and remember transporting people to their new locations. This process, I believe has actually begun.

Remember WHO YOU ALL ARE, THE POWERFUL SOULS WHO CHOSE TO COME AND BE HERE ...TO INITIATE THIS GRAND EXODUS TO ANOTHER WORLD. We are blessed to be a part of this transmutation, which I know in my heart and clear mind is a "FIRST" FOR THIS PLANET.

Thru my personal life, I have been blessed with many visions which some of you are aware of. Below are the visions I received in 1997 regarding the New Earth. My prayer is that in reading this, it will give you strength, hope, peace, a remembering
that the plan is unfolding before us. You can hear me share these on my youtube videos as well: "HEAVENLY GALACTIC PART 1 AND PART 2 go to link: http://www.victoriaslight.com/video.htm



March 30, 1997 - I was in Page, Arizona in a Hotel. Vision was shown to me at 4 a.m.
"I was watching from long distance, a view of our Earth. Exploding out from the Earth (like rockets) were "comet-like" images. As they rocketed out from the Earth, they ascended gently and very gracefully. Then I was shown how they these images were transplanted upon another planet, like a 2nd Earth.

VISION II - (1 day later) Easter

March 31, 1997 - I was now in Salt Lake City visiting my family. I was awakened at 4 a.m., by transmissions given to me in the night. As I got out of bed, I looked outside to see one of the "light ships" that I have captured numerous times on film. It was very low to my sight as I was in a home on top of the hills overlooking Salt Lake City.

I, then returned to my bed and was taken into this glorious vision:

"I was in a courtyard (similar to apartment complex courtyards). There were balconies where people were running around in a frenzy and confusion. Looking up, I then saw an incredible image which entirely filled up the sky. On the top of it was a Heavenly Castle. I feel this represented "My Father's House of Many Mansions". The next layer radiated an illuminated white light oblong in shape, similar to the cigar-shaped ships I have filmed. This was only light...and very beautiful. The next layer reflected deep blue waters (like the firmament of the heavens referred to by the astronauts and in the Bible). There were billowing clouds intermixed. Within this image were dolphins swimming.

As people were running around in confusion, they looked at this image and cried, "who are you, and what do you want". I turned to them saying, "how can you say or feel this way about something so heavenly and beautiful?" I then heard a very deep and loving voice. It rang through me with a familiar energy that I had remembered from my "near-death experience". It said to me:

"Victoria, this is your new home!" The entire image then began moving away from the Earth. All the things of beauty and positive energy went with it.

The confused people stayed behind....in their picture of reality which was a picture of darkness, fear and anger.


August 31, 1997 - I was in Phoenix, Arizona. I had not yet fallen completely asleep, when I began to see this panorama vision before my eyes. I was shown the following:

"I saw myself waking up one morning...opening up the accordion doors to the room I slept in. As I opened them, I did not see the living room of the apartment.

I saw something very new and different, a new world. I looked outside and all the streets looked similar, yet were different.

All the negativity, pain, and anger was no where to be seen. It was as if we had made the shift to the next dimension while we were asleep.


August 17, 2002 - In this vision, first I saw a lamb sleeping in my bed, feeling a sense of peace I watched the lamb leave my bed. As I looked outside, I saw hundreds of lambs grazing on the streets and yards outside my present apartment. I cried for joy, as I realized we were in the sign of Leo (Lion) and remembered the saying "when the lamb and lion lie down together...we will have Peace"!!! After awakening from this vision, I felt that the lamb also represented the Lamb of God, the Christ Consciousness. This blessing of Christ Consciousness shall cover the Earth....all the lion energy will be transformed into lamb energy of peace and love. 2003 was the year of the sheep. I am a sheep (1955) and did not realize at the time on a conscious level that the year of the Sheep would soon be arriving.

I believe WE, the Children of the Light are those lambs covering the streets.

Perhaps, we have been asleep all this time. Now, the future is before us to bring a New Awakening. These 4 visions were profound and very connected to each other.

I believe with all of my heart, that these VISIONS ARE REAL. I have never waivered in my clear understanding of what is shown to me. This transition is your possibility if that is what you choose...going to sleep and then graduating to the next level. It all depends on our mental outlook and how we embrace our lives, our goals, and each other."
Now we are in 2011 and based on what I have been experiencing at night going to
the 2nd Earth, I truly feel we are HERE to begin this Exodus.

Prayer: I call forth upon all of the Angels, Guides, to give us strength and give the command to the Brotherhood to proceed with our journey to AWAKEN INTO THE CLEAR, PRISTINE WORLD WAITING FOR US.

REMEMBER…our bodies have been changing into light …now is our test to OVERRIDE the trauma of the 3rd Dimension.

Let us keep each and every soul on this earth in our prayers, thoughts, and those who have left us …will be waiting for us along with our animal friends to BIRTH OUR NEW BEGINNING.




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