Sunday, May 17, 2009

Comments from Listeners to Victoria's Show on Coast to Coast
From Listener: Jerry - Canada

"What a wonderful show you gave us on Coast to Coast A M last night - Please do it again and come back . Your voice is wonderful to hear over the airwaves and I sure hope that you have lectures in Toronto Canada where we Canadians can see you in real. You must really be an Angel and I am glad to have heard you, Victoria.

From Listener: Jerry

Thank you, you are the real deal, not that I am such an expert, but I've had several experiences myself in the past. My intuition since then rejects so many of the ET channelers-contacts, representatives-advocates, etc. out there. From you, I get a strong integrated vibe, so well done for maintaining some integrity in a devious, wacky, woo-woo world. I'll refer others who might be interested in your work.

From Listener: Gary Larrabee -

"Thank you for sharing your heart on Coast to Coast....and thank you for sharing what the Lord had you sharing in fulfilling your mission on planet earth. In 1980 I was told that God was bringing people together from around the world to fulfill the greatest prophecy in the Bible and there was no one who understood this prophecy correctly. I then ask the Lord to teach me as i set aside all that I thought I knew. It was a great pleasure to hear from a messenger from God on assignment."
God Bless you,
Gary Larrabee

From Listener Debra Winter:

"Your interview on Coast to Coast last night was wonderful!...I'm simply stunned at the timing of finding out about you!! It was a great time listening to you! What you shared about fear...I never stopped to think about how 'they' use fear to control us to keep us from knowing who we are and what we came here for.....I'm choosing NOT to give into that game ANYMORE! I'm going to start looking UP and EXPECTING to see great and glorious things."

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